Get involved in your P&C
Getting involved with a Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but many people may be unsure of how it works.
If you’ve never been involved in a P&C before, the Quick Guide for P&C Executive Officers is a great way to get familiar with what they do, and how you can help out.
The guide sets out the roles and responsibilities of members in an easy-to-read format. The guide has been produced by the Queensland Council of Parents’ and Citizens’ Associations and Education Queensland and is available for download from the Department of Education and Training website.
P&C Meetings
Our P&C meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 5.00pm in the senior classroom. The meetings are a fantastic way to find out what is happening around our school and also to have your say on important issues within the school. All parents and any other community persons are welcome and encouraged to join us on these nights.
2025 Executive Committee Members
President: postition vacant
Vice President: position vacant
Secretary: position vacant
Treasurer: position vacant